Spicing up missionary sex can take your intimate moments to a whole new level. Missionary position may be the oldest and most traditional sex position, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring! There are plenty of ways to add excitement, passion, and pleasure to this classic position. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting to explore your sexual desires, these five exciting ways to spice up missionary sex will leave you and your partner feeling satisfied and fulfilled.

Looking to spice things up in the bedroom? We've got you covered with 5 new positions to revitalize your love life. Whether you're looking to switch up the angle or go deeper, these positions are sure to bring a new level of excitement to your sex life. Say goodbye to the same old routine and hello to a whole new world of pleasure. So why wait? Check out these game-changing positions and take your love life to the next level.

Switch Up the Angle

One way to add excitement to missionary sex is by changing the angle. Instead of the typical face-to-face position, try lifting your legs and resting them on your partner's shoulders. This will create a deeper penetration and a new sensation for both you and your partner. You can also try placing a pillow under your hips to elevate them, changing the angle and making penetration feel even more intense. Experimenting with different angles can bring a whole new level of excitement to missionary sex.

Incorporate Sensory Play

Incorporating sensory play into missionary sex can add an element of surprise and excitement. Consider using a blindfold to heighten your other senses and make every touch and sensation feel more intense. You can also experiment with temperature play by using ice cubes or warm massage oil to stimulate different parts of your body. Sensory play can add a whole new layer of excitement and anticipation to missionary sex.

Add Some Props

Adding props to your missionary sex can create a whole new experience for you and your partner. Consider using a sex toy, such as a vibrator, to add extra stimulation and pleasure. You can also incorporate restraints, such as handcuffs or silk ties, to add an element of dominance and submission to your sex life. Props can help to bring excitement and variety to missionary sex, making every encounter feel fresh and exhilarating.

Explore Different Rhythms and Tempos

Missionary sex doesn't have to be limited to one rhythm or tempo. Experimenting with different speeds and rhythms can add excitement and pleasure to your intimate moments. Try starting slow and then gradually increase the tempo as you and your partner become more aroused. You can also experiment with different thrusting patterns, such as circular or rocking motions, to add variety and excitement to missionary sex.

Communicate and Explore Fantasies

Communication is key to spicing up missionary sex. Talk to your partner about your desires, fantasies, and what you'd like to try. Exploring each other's fantasies and desires can bring a new level of excitement and intimacy to missionary sex. Whether it's role-playing, incorporating new fantasies, or trying out different scenarios, open communication and exploration can lead to a more fulfilling and exciting sex life.

In conclusion, missionary sex doesn't have to be predictable or boring. By incorporating different angles, sensory play, props, rhythms, and communication, you can spice up your intimate moments and make every encounter feel fresh and exhilarating. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just starting to explore your sexual desires, these five exciting ways to spice up missionary sex will leave you and your partner feeling satisfied and fulfilled.